Drive customer-led growth

Unlock growth by understanding your customer’s needs and their behavior. We place your customers at the forefront of your growth strategy
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Real time feedback from your customers at every touchpoint

Get feedback everytime your customer interacts with your products and services
We integrate to the touchpoints that matter to you e.g ATM, banking hall, call centre e,t,c
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Reach your customer where they are

Expand Reach

We know that reaching your customers where they are is important. That's why our platform seamlessly connects with multiple channels like SMS, WhatsApp, web forms, QR codes, and email. With our integrated approach, you can engage your customers on their preferred channels and enhance their communication experience.

Convenience and Accessibility

We make it easier than ever for your customers to interact with your business. By offering multiple channels for customer engagement, we provide unmatched convenience and accessibility. This increases customer satisfaction, improves response rates, and enables more successful customer interactions.

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Real time analysis of the feedback given

Get insights into customer behavior and trends, which will allow you to make informed decisions to improve the customer experience.

Gain real-time customer insights for agile decision-making, staying competitive in a dynamic market.

Sabi - Ajua’s ML algorithm that analyzes
your feedback and gives a tag and
sentiment analysis

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Use Cases

Enhanced Customer Support Triage

Streamline customer support by categorizing messages for quick issue identification.

Product Improvement Prioritization

Prioritize product enhancements by tagging feedback, focusing on user demands.

Sentiment Analysis for Marketing Insights

Gain marketing insights by analyzing sentiment in social media and reviews.

We are trusted by 30+
brands & partners

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